Our Lending Library

If you’re looking to try out a carrier, we have many selections to choose from!  Our lending library is split between four different leaders, in four different locations, throughout Chicagoland.

It is always free to try on carriers at each meeting.  For those who would like to support our organization, we offer an optional BWI annual membership that includes the benefit of allowing the member to check out a carrier each month (assuming they bring it back to the group within 30 days/1 month).   This is a great opportunity to get a real life feel for how a certain carrier will work for you and your little one.  In order to check a carrier out of meetings, you must be a member of BWI.

You can find our current carriers by going to MyTurn. If you want to see what will be available at an upcoming meeting, you can choose which library you want from the drop down box on the left of that website.


5 thoughts on “Our Lending Library

  1. Hi! I’m hoping to attend mtg on 12/20 in either Harvard or Grayslake. Currently looking for a wrap for my 3 week old… and wondering how your lending library works. (Relatively new to baby wearing… had a ring sling with padded rails that got some use with my 1st son.) Thanks for any feedback you can give!
    -MJ in wheeling.


  2. Hello I’m new to the Chicago area and I would love to try some carriers and a wrap. I’m currently in search of something toddler worthy and something I can do back carries with. How are we able to try these?


  3. My name is Jennifer Vasquez and I manage the new juno carrier category for Mountain Buggy here in North America. I would love to connect with someone within your chapter to provide some info on juno and details on our babywearing/lending library program. Likewise, if any members would like product info on juno or have questions in the meantime, please let me know.
    Thanks so much! Jen


  4. Hi I showed up at Brookfield Library this past Saturday but was the only one there. I’m looking for guidance on how to use my rebozo. Do i need to sign up ahead of time? When is the next event?


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