To kick off International Babywearing Week 2012, we have a FANTASTIC giveaway to announce.  And we have some FANTASTIC folks to thank for it.  Babywearing International posted the following on their Facebook page:

“Eleven lucky BWI groups will be eligible to host a special giveaway from Diamond Sponsor Ergobaby! Check in here with your BWI group name! First 11 get it!”

Our own Heather L. was the first to comment with our group.  Thank you Heather, from another Heather.  Because not ALL groups are able to do the giveaway, and we’re so thankful it popped up on her computer screen and she was quick to respond.



Choosing Your Ergobaby Carrier


Ergobaby has 3 different fits of carriers across 5 different collections.  Each of the different carrier fits has differences in strap length, waist length, material content, hood features, etc.  Ergobaby did a really educational and helpful video about their different carriers.

It’s well worth the few minutes to watch.  Grab a beverage.  Sit, relax, and decide which one you like best!  You’ll find the handy dandy link if you click here.


Details, Details, Details


The kind folks at Ergobaby thought it would be fun to let the BWI groups give away a carrier, and host a giveaway of our own.

BWI Chicagoland is gets to raffle off 1 carrier.  The winner will be able to choose which one they want from the following three choices:

Organic Collection (Classic Fit)- Desert Bloom

Performance Carrier (Active Fit) – Black/Charcoal

Sport Carrier  (Flex Fit) – Red


How to Enter

So, to thank the members of BWI Chicagoland, this contest has some rules.
Ergobaby rules:
  • The contest is open to US residents only
  • The contest should be run during International Babywearing Week (October 8-14th)

BWI Chicagoland has some extra, fun rules.  To be eligible you must meet at least ONE of these two criteria:

  • Have attended a meeting and be able to tell us which location you visited
  • Be a CURRENT member of our closed, local facebook group as of 11pm on Sunday October 7th.  (psst.  that was yesterday)

To actually enter you need to do the following:

  • Comment on this post about one thing you like about the group.  Some suggestions would be…
    • a member you enjoy learning from
    • a carrier the library has that you’ve tried
    • something about a meeting itself
    • a social aspect of the group
    • Whatever you think of is fair game, as long as it’s positive and something you like.  These were some examples to get you thinking!
  • Include your facebook name or e-mail address so we can figure out who you are
  • Post your comment by 2 pm CST on Sunday October 14th

Winner will be drawn on Sunday evening.  Winner will be drawn by a random number generator, and there will be a witness present.


Other BWI Group Benefits


So, did the video peak your interest?  I’ll bet you’re interested, huh?

If you’re like me, and feel like you NEVER win anything, you do have another great opportunity.  Ergobaby is also offering a 10% discount code that will be valid from October 8-14th.  The code is for 10% off any Ergobaby carrier purchase on Ergobaby.com.  To get your code, email us, contact a leader, or look for the post on the Facebook page.  This code is exclusive for BWI Chicagoland members!

Thanks so much to Heather L. and Ergobaby for allowing us this great opportunity for our members!

91 thoughts on “Our OWN BWI Chicagoland ERGOBABY GIVEAWAY!!!!

  1. Woot! So glad I was online at the right time. There are so many reasons I enjoy this group. But I especially appreciate how helpful and supportive everyone is. I have learned so much from everyone!

    Heather Lalley


  2. I have so many things for which I can compliment this group. But for now, I’ll say how impressed I am with the welcomeness towards new members. I am now, but everyone was new at some time. When I attended the sewing event, I was so worried about being the new girl there. But I had nothing to worry about!


  3. WOW! First, thanks to Heather L. for being at the right place at the right time! 🙂 how fun! I usually attend the Mundelein meeting at Cygnus, but over the summer, I came to a meeting held at a park in Gurnee, which was super fun! I love this group: awesome support, meeting new friends, adoring one another’s little ones, playing with new mama toys, I could go on and on. But, the dedication of the leaders and members to keeping our children close, providing them with gentle, loving touch, and keeping them safe is what is the most special part of this group!


  4. I went to the DesPlaines meeting a few months ago.
    My favorite part of this group is that the leaders are so helpful without being judgemental or snobbish about certain carriers. They make it very welcoming for new members!


  5. I wish I learned baby wearing sooner, but after trying on a Bamberoo over a year ago at a GL meeting, I fell in love. Now I am addicted and so glad I have all these options for when the twins come. Love our facebook group and all the sweet ladies on here. ♥


  6. Love this group! Totally saved my sanity, especially with the difficult transition of 2 kids to 3. So great to socialize with other babywearing mamas. And in awe of the incredible leaders that are so knowledgeable and give so much of their time. I usually attend the des plaines meeting or the grayslake meeting.


  7. I love the group for all the supportive leaders and the chance to try out many different carriers before I bought one!! All you leaders rock!!! 🙂


  8. Absolutely love all of the wonderful friends that the kids and I have made through this group — truly a wonderful group of parents and caregivers!


  9. I love everything about this!! Babywearing has been a lifesaver for me… this group was a godsend! The leaders are amazing! A big THANK YOU to all of the ladies that are so helpful and giving their time 🙂 I love wearing the blue organic ergo that is in the library 🙂 The perfect fit for me and my baby right now!!


  10. I have a lot of wonderful memories of babywearing. My oldest was 2 weeks old when I attended my first meeting! I didn’t really know what babywearing was all about, and quickly understood how awesome it was. One of my favorite babywearing meeting memories (I believe it was in Mundelein at Cygnus Lactation), was shortly after my 2nd was born and the leaders helped me put baby Lennon on my front in a wrap all snuggled in tight and Aria (18 months at the time) on my back. That was so cool, amazing and cuddly and I would have never had the confidence to tandem carry or even know what tandem carrying was without the babywearing group in Chicagoland!
    Marissa Grossenbach


  11. I am so thankful to the baby wears group. I have attended the meeting at Cygnus Lactation and got so much help thanks to the leaders and lending library. I learned how to use wraps, buckle carriers, ring slings, everything I have needed to know. I would be so lost without being able to wear my children.thanks to all you ladies who have so patiently helped us form better bonds with our babies, and be able to live our lives happily


  12. I am SO thankful for Heather M. for showing me how to properly use a RS. She showed me when I attended a meeting at the Cygnus Location. It has allowed me to keep my house somewhat clean! I know I couldn’t fold laundry without having baby C in the sling. Thank you so much!


  13. I love that the amazing women put together these fabulous meeting and are always so willing to help everyone. No drama or stress just an amazing place to learn and hang out with other moms. Can’t wait to see everyone Friday


  14. When my son was 9 weeks old and I was recovering from having emergency surgery i was desperate to learn about BW and wrapping. I am so lucky to have found BWI!! Tabitha took her time and patience and helped me to get my son wrapped and fast asleep. However, Karaleigh saw that I was nervous with all the material and she introduced me to a MT and my life forever changed. From that day on both my husband and I wear our son all the time. Thank you ladies for taking the time for my family, it is truly appreciated!


  15. I found this group right after I had my son in April of this year and I have learned so much since then! I have been able to learn so many things, ask questions, get help with my current carriers, and drool over ones I don’t have (yet!). Its been great to connect with other moms who share my babywearing obsession! I love that its such a welcoming group of women who don’t dwell on the things that make us different, but the love that we all have for our children!


  16. Maria is so sweet in person! We’ve met a few times, the first being with Jacquelyn and a few others at the Arboretum in the summer of 2010. This year, we met up at the River Park meeting in June, which ended up just being the two of us. I love how helpful she always was on TBW and she is just as kind and helpful IRL. I just love the babywearing world and hope to help others find the love even when we’re done wearing. 🙂


  17. I have learned so many things for this group. Most importantly I have learned to safety wear my children. The part I love is meeting the the other parents. I have made some life long friends.


  18. THANK YOU Heather for getting this great give away for us!!! Your AWESOME!!! 🙂

    We go to the McHenry County meetings and there are SO many great things I love about being a part of this awesome group! I love getting to meet so many other babywearing mamas, I love getting to try out awesome new carriers, I love learning new things about babywearing from the fabulous leaders… I could go on and on!!!


  19. I love feeling like part of a community that truly wants to make life better for young families. I had no idea what babywearing was with my first, and now I can’t imagine my life without my carriers! Thanks as always to Colleen and Heather. I still have so much to learn, and I look forward to expanding my knowledge with such easygoing, understanding leaders.


  20. I’ve attended meetings at a few different locations over the years but the Grayslake Library meetings are my favorite. I traded my Moby for a Maya ring sling after borrowing one from the group’s carrier library and then switched to Mei Tais after that. I love that the leaders know so much about every carrier (There are so many!) and that you can tell teaching/sharing the joy of baby wearing is something they’re truely passionate about. An amazing group of ladies that I’m very happy and grateful to be a part of.


  21. My comment got eaten so trying again. My favorite part about the Mundelein meetings is learning so much from my fav leader, heather. She always greets me with an enthusiastic smile. I truly look up to her as a parent and a leader. Thank you for teaching me how to wear my baby and be confident in my parenting.


  22. I want in 🙂 I loved the group when I first joined because it was fun to get together and try things I was not allowed to buy 🙂 learn from each other and help one another. Now that I’m a leader I love helping others get comfy and learn to love babywearing!


  23. I love this group! I only had a moby with my 2nd, and no support group, so I gave up quickly, but this time around (with the support AND lending library) it is going great and I’m hooked on BW! (and building a small stash) And even better is the ability to share this knowledge with other new moms, to help them have their hands free for other things while taking care of their babies. And if I win this, I’m going to pass it on to a teen new mom – I’ve been there and know she can use all the help she can get, and may be more likely to use something that she doesn’t have to learn how to tie.


  24. Even though I have not been able to attend many meetings, I attended a Winnemac Park meetup in the late spring that Maria led. It was great because it helped me get some better ideas about using my ring sling for my preschooler.

    I joined the group on Facebook even though we’re at the end of our babywearing days. I’m giving away my last carriers to the group to help other moms grow their interest in babywearing. Even though my daughter is 3, babywearing has been helpful when we refuse to nap and when we aren’t feeling that great. I’m actually considering hoarding my last WCRS to help her feel better when she is 16 and just got dumped by a guy!

    I’ve learned a lot of babywearing information from the group. Even though I don’t really wear wraps, I’ve been able to pass on information about them to other moms because of the information given by other helpful moms in the group. My own experiences with SSCs, MTs, and RSs has made me able to pass on my own unique knowledge, as well as gather more information from other moms so that I can temper my own fantastic experiences or crappy experiences and see the wonders or faults of the different carriers.

    Thanks for this giveaway guys! It’s a great idea, and so helpful for other moms! I am looking at giving the Ergo to one of my friends who is having a baby in the spring with two other little ones underfoot!


  25. I hope to attend the New Mother New Baby meeting this Saturday. Of course, I planned on attending two other meetings in the past two months but my LO seems to stay up the entire night before a meeting and I feel awful moving him when he finally falls asleep. I like this group because I want to be an expert baby wearer and I am sure that I can get there with your help. I hope I can make it out and truly be a part of the running!!


  26. I attend the Gurnee meeting and the summer one at the park was a nice change from the indoor library setting. I actually have an Ergo on loan from that last meeting and it was great to put my almost 2 year old on my back when we were helping my sister move into her new apartment – 3rd floor, no elevator. He definitely could have done the stairs but being on my back was a lot quicker going down.


  27. What an awesome opportunity to spread some babywearing love! i love being a part of the facebook group. just having support and advice from fellow baby wearing mama’s is such a lifesaver because i know very few people in my area who wear. I haven’t been able to make it to a meeting yet but i’m hoping to very soon! Thanks again for being a great group! 🙂


  28. I have a blue ring sling on loan right now that I absolutely love. My baby girl loves snuggling close to me in it and stays happy that way! Also, we love the new ELBURN meetings because it is much closer to us!


  29. I love that there is a group of mommas out there willing to share how babywearing can improve that thing we all find so difficult, balancing life and the demands of young kiddos. I appreciate that even though I’ve only gotten to one meeting in person I always feel like I have a group of ladies I can ask questions or share ideas with on the FB group and know that I will get a knowledgable and friendly answer from. It’s easy for the Mommy wars to dominate groups focused on kids and never once have I felt that happen with this group. So thanks ladies!


  30. I love seeing all the pics of BW and have gotten some helpful advice via one member. This is a great source of advice, ideas, and support!


  31. There are so many wonderful things about our group, but my number one favorite is how encouraging and uplifting everyone is. The whole group wants to see others succeed in the adventure of Babywearing.


  32. I attended a special event way back when (sometime in late 2010) at the Little Gym, and I am a member of the Facebook group. When I was wearing my infant, I loved getting advice about the different carriers to use, etc., and now that my 21 month old doesn’t like being worn, I see the group as a great group of women with a wealth of knowledge on a lot of different subjects. I generally don’t make it to meetings, but I truly appreciate the online support that the Facebook group provides.


  33. One of my favorite parts of the group is the park playdates in the city. It has been a great way to get to know other families in a casual setting AND play with baby carriers.


  34. This group has helped save my sanity on many occasions. When my girls were out growing the Moby and I was a stressed out, sleep deprived mother of twins, Colleen and Heather welcomed me with open arms. The lovingly showed me different carriers, and different ways i could wear my babies. I will never forget my first meeting at new Mother New Baby during last years IBW. You all give me the support and confidence to keep my girls close in any situation!


  35. Through Kristie H., I found my way to a BWI meeting in Mundelein and met Heather who is super help. I have since fallen in love with my Babyhawk and was able to form that close (first baby) bond with my fourth child that was so lacking with my third. I could not be more grateful for all the help and support of BWI members and volunteers!


  36. I love this group because I can try all different carriers and get help with them. I tried figuring it out on my own for awhile with no success but now I feel more confident. I love being able to try out carriers from the library.


  37. I was an overwhelmed mom of three kids, the baby who would NOT let me put him down and I owned a moby that was just not working anymore for the HOURS I was wearing every day. Enter in BWI Chicagoland….and I feel like I owe my sanity to these wonderful leaders and this group. I’ve been to meetings in a lot of places, most recently, Mundelein, I think.


  38. I don’t even know where to start with how much this group has helped me. The most important thing is the way the group helped me to get past my postpartum depression. Between learning how to wear my infant and just having the community of awesome people here, it truly saved my sanity. I will forever be grateful for that! As I am about to add a second child to my family, I am glad I already know how to wear my children because I’m certain that between the newborn and the toddler, I will be wearing someone all the time. As to which meeting(s) I’ve attended, well, I don’t think there is a location I haven’t attended in the past. When my son was small, he really only slept when being worn or when riding in the car, so we drove to a lot of BWI meetings all over Chicagoland.


  39. I love Babywearing International of Chicagoland because it gives me a chance to connect to other first time moms in an area I live in, and it is wonderful to know there are so many other moms who are pro- babywearing like me!!


  40. I was intimidated by babywearing with my first child but finding this group made babywearing with my second a breeze! I have and will continue to attend the meetings in McHenry at NIMC. So thankful to have found such a helpful and encouraging group!


  41. Ok, so I’m technically not eligible to win or anything, because I haven’t made it to a meeting yet, but I just wanted to say that I have loved being part of this group on Facebook. What a helpful, fantastic group of women! Can’t wait to come to the next meeting to meet more of you in person! 🙂


    • PM me your facebook name or comment here! You either need to have attended a meeting OR be on facebook. 😉 If you joined before Sunday night you’re golden and eligible!


      • In case anyone else missed that you only need one of the two criteria, I updated and bolded in color to make it easier to see. 🙂 Sorry if that was not easy to decipher.


  42. I have been lucky enough to have my sister show me the ropes of baby wearing, and she’s introduced me to people that I never would have run into and I’ve enjoyed the entire experience. I went to a play date before my little one even arrived and everyone was so welcoming! I’ve gone to one meeting and am attending another tomorrow, and I think they’re great! I love learning about all the different types of wraps out there. Thanks for all of the support and kindness 🙂


  43. I’ve gone to the Mundelein and Gurnee meetings and have found everyone to be really friendly and helpful. My first meeting in Mundelein was my first time going to any type of group for parents. I think the leaders do a great job of monitoring the Facebook group so that it continues to be a welcoming and supportive environment.


  44. Thanks for this opportunity to start. One thing I love about the group is that they were able to tell me my ergo way fake and I was able to get my money back for it. If it weren’t for some pretty knowledgeable individuals I would have never known I was scammed.


  45. One of my favorite things about our babywearing group is how welcoming and willing to help everyone is. I’ve gone to meetings for other mom groups, and never felt as comfortable and welcome 🙂


  46. So I found this group when we moved to the area back in May. This group has been great! I haven’t made it to a lot of meetings yet, but I joined the facebook groups and all the moms have been super helpful. It has been really nice to find a group of like-minded moms in the area!! I was kind of scared with my first to try lots of different carries, but my second is going to be here in April so I am excited to have found this group so I can try some different carries with my second. Thanks ladies for being so helpful and welcoming!!


  47. I love the fb group bc I can get quick answers from real mamas who have tried and tested so many carriers (and other products!), and it’s great to feel supported in our parenting adventures! 🙂


  48. I love that you can try on various carriers and I love the women that run the meetings! Tabitha and Susan from the McHenry County BW meeting are just awesome at answering your questions! They helped me figure out how to breastfeed while carrying my 3 month old, hooray!!!


  49. I went to the desplaines meeting a few months ago and heather was really helpful and gave me a ton of tips/advice on adjusting a ring sling. I also love the facebook group….everyone is so helpful and I learn so much from all the posts.


  50. I love learning all about wrap/wrapping from the BWI leaders & members. This is the most knowledgable and friendly group of people that I’ve ever met. Thank you all for your hard work and friendship!


  51. I love to be part of the BWI because they have helped me have a stronger bond with my children. Having the kids close has been a life changing experience.


  52. I just joinef the fb group recently in anticipation of baby #2 who is.now 3 weeks old. I am looking forward to attending a meeting to see if I am wearing him right and get some tips. Nice giveaway!


  53. I love the FB group so far – everyone is super helpful and respectful. I’m planning to attend my first meeting tomorrow as there are so many things I have to learn…and I really need help adjusting the carrier I have. I’m a little leery of all the pretty wovens and wraps that I know nothing about (but will probably want after seeing in person and learning how they work!).


  54. I am a current member of the fb group, and I am just learning about this club. I am pregnant with my first baby, due at the end of November, and I always planned to babywear. I am learning lots about different types of carriers and slings. I’m really hoping to come to an actual meeting soon. Also, I can’t wait to start wearing this baby on the outside rather than on the inside!


  55. I went to a Lombard meeting and loved the help that everyone gave in babywearing. When she was little she was worn so much. She no longer wants to be worn much, but the fb group is grereat to get advice on all types of mothering tips.


  56. I love how the members educate about BW and gently guide new baby wearers into making good BW choices. I love the idea that we need to educate, not intimidate.


  57. My favorite thing about the group is the spreading of the baby wearing love!!! It’s so easy to get lost in this bubble and continue to do what just feels right for us and our kids. Here, I find all of the support I need!!


  58. I love this group so much! I must agree with some of the other posters, the openness to new members is so great. Being the new girl never felt awkward!


  59. I have unfortunately never been able to attend a meeting due to my work schedule, but really appreciate the sense of community within the Facebook group. Following the Blog is also inspiring- I am a new mom, with few friends around me with babies, and I love the stories and ideas in the Blog. My Facebook name is Krysten Ivy Wendell, just in case my name is pulled. Fingers crossed!!


  60. I can’t even tell you how much I have learned from all of you from attending meetings and reading posts on FB. I have attended both the BWI Elburn meeting (the first one ever at that location!) as well as a few Dupage Slingers meetings. Everyone has been super nice and VERY helpful. I love that I can now wear my daughter and I’m looking forward to wearing #2 when he arrives in February. I also love that I have gained so much BW’ing wisdom that I have been able to share it with friends and family. I brought 2 friends with me to the last meeting and now they have each bought carriers!


  61. I have just recently found this group and am so excited to get to know everyone! It is so nice to know there are some like minded mamas out there in this big city! I can’t wait to meet everyone!


  62. It’s such a wonderful service to the mama community to be able to try before you buy. Also a great way to meet others and have a little social time. I look forward to meeting more people and learning more about wraps.


  63. I SO wish I would’ve learned about baby wearing with my first baby. I’m so lucky I did learn with my second! What a life changing way of life! Thank you!!


  64. I like that when someone asks a question about Babywearing, lots of members and leaders will respond with very knowledgeable comments.


  65. I never heard the term ‘babywearing’ until I was at my first LLL meeting with my 2 week old son and mentioned I had just ordered a Moby (my doula had suggested it). Janelle and April mentioned a meeting a couple days later where I could get help with it. I was blown away at the help I did get and the wonderful ladies at that meeting. I am so thankful I have found this group as it has made my parenting experience so much better. I have been able to try so many different kinds of carriers from the library and get help from numerous people so I can use them safely. Thank you all!


  66. I love to see all the advice everyone gives and how helpful the mamas are. I found out about the group through a lovely mama at a consignment sale recently and was finally able to attend my first meeting today. My dd and I had a great time and I hope to be able to attend more meetings in the future.


  67. At one of the des plaines meetings this summer Heather Magrow said something that really resonated with me, “you are the only carrier your baby needs.” As a mom who isn’t always able to give my baby the neatest and coolest gear, it was really reassuring to hear. Yes, there are wraps that cost thousands of dollars and ringslings that you can get for free, but it doesn’t matter what you put your baby in, the sling doesn’t hold them, YOU do. Maybe that’s why the moms in this group will literally give you the kinderpack off their back if you want to try it. In fact, I think that’s what makes our chapter of BWI so amazing– a generosity of spirit.
    I am constantly overwhelmed by how a group of women who barely know each other are willing to share and discuss and problem solve. when my son was three weeks old and i posted about having trouble with my moby several women who had never even met me offered to come over and help. when i was overwhelmed by mei tai choices people posted pictures and took measurements of their own so that we could figure out the difference. it continually amazes me. any time i want to try any carrier in our library our amazing leaders put their heads together and figure out how to get it to me. I’ve never seen anyone snubbed for anything here. everyone comes as they are and puts their experience on the table and the result is not only a group of moms who carry their babies, but a group of moms who carry each other.


  68. Thanks to Tabitha, I have been wrapping my son since he was only a few weeks old. At 13 months it’s one of the few ways I can still get things done. Thanks so much BWI Chicagoland!


  69. I love the social aspect of the group! I know that evena after my kids are not worn anymore (a sad day indeed) there will still be room for BWI in my life 🙂


  70. This group has been so helpful to me in my babywearing. When the leaders were asking for new helpers, I decided to step up. It has been a wonderful experience to help other caregivers learn how to keep their little ones close. Thank you to all the leaders that helped me!


  71. I am so thankful for this group! I’ve meet so many sweet caregivers and learned so much about Babywearing. We love going to the Chicago meetings when we can. Thanks!


  72. I’m so thankful to have found this group and learned about different types if baby carriers. I wish I would have known this 4 years ago when I had my son, and really wish I had this 3 years ago when I had my daughter.I used a moby and a bijorn with them, but when the moby got saggy and the bijorn became uncomfortable our bw days were over. Now with 2 preschoolers and 2 infants bw is not only a love, a way I can stay close with my girls and still meet the needs of my preschoolers and family, its a necessity for me. I can only imagine how much harder my days would be without bw’ing. I’m thankful for Rebecca’s tips with twin bw’ing and Heather’s patience and guidance with a lot of newbie questions. I look forward to meeting more members from the group as soon as have more sleep!


  73. I have learned lots from BWI Chicagoland! This is a friendly bunch of helpful and accepting folks. I usually go to the Gurnee meetings, though I’ve been to mundelein and grayslake as well. It’s been good to try new things, make friendships, get tips, and offer help to new folks. Glad you guys are around! 🙂


  74. I am so happy to have found this group. On facebook you guys are like having company all day long while I am at home alone with my little one. The members have been very knowledgable and assisted me when I needed to choose a new ring sling. When I attended my first Chicago meeting everyone was so friendly and welcoming. It is wonderful to have all you as a local resource, not only for baby wearing, but for all the new mommy questions.


  75. This group helped me get comfortable with our second in the ring sling as a newborn. Because of your help, I can nurse him & still chase the 2 year old at the same time! Motivated by photos others post on the FB page, I’ve tandem worn my 2 month & 2 year olds to get dinner on the table. I was also able to say “yes!” when the 2 year old wanted me to rake leaves with him & baby needed to nurse. Thanks!


  76. Pingback: And the winner is…. « Babywearing International of Chicagoland

  77. Pingback: Thank You’s and a chance at some Goodies- « Babywearing International of Chicagoland

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